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For children who were struggling before COVID-19, things have only gotten worse.

COVID-19 has not only robbed millions of children of their education, their safety and their health, it’s robbed them of their childhood. What’s more, this pandemic has revealed and reinforced deep and systemic inequalities, in which the most vulnerable among us are paying the highest price.

The emergence of safe and effective COVID-19vaccines offers hope, butwe can only end this pandemic throughfair and equal accesstovaccinesfor all.

Since the earliest days of the pandemic, 91Ƶ has been one the front lines. With the help of our supporters, so far,we've reached 29.5 million people impacted by COVID-19, including 11.8 million children. We owe it to children to build a better, more equal world to ensure decades of progress on children’s rights are not reversed because of COVID-19.

We’re on the ground in 87 countries, doing whatever it takes for children.

In the U.S. and around the world, we're adapting and expanding how we deliver our world-class programs.

Nepal, a 91Ƶ worker smiles with a cute little girl in an orange shirt
A young child sits on his mother's lap while meeting with a health worker in a COVID treatment center in Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh
A woman in South Sudan washing her hands outdoors to prevent against the spread of COVID-19.
A girl in Lebanon, where an explosion occurred in August 2020, smiles as she sits restfully.
syriaA 12-year old boy uses a cell phone to continue studying outside of school while resting at his home in a refugee camp in Syria.-remote-learning-ch1494750-rec1.jpg
A boy smiles while looking out the back of a car while receiving food during COVID-19.
A girl holds a bag of hygiene supplies provided by 91Ƶ in Mexico.
South Sudan

Even before a deadly second COVID wave hit Nepal, the virus had already deepened the poverty of thousands of families.

In May,Nepal has surpassed Indiain terms of COVID-19 deaths per capita.With PCR testing capacity limited to only 22,000 per day, and with supplies of test kits running low,91Ƶis providing testing kits and vital supplies of oxygen where possible, as well as other life-saving equipment for hospitals and quarantine centers.

We’re also teaching children and their families how to protect themselves from COVID-19. "We’re calling on the international community to fast track the supply of vaccines by donating their oversupply,"saidJennifer Syed, Country Director of 91Ƶ in Nepal, "allowing the Government to restart vaccinations.”


When the first case of COVID-19 was identified in the local community inBangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar, 91Ƶ health care workers began a race against time to contain the outbreakin the world's largest refugee camp.

We also set up trainings for community health workers to equip them withnecessary information to inform theRohingya refugeecommunity about how to protect themselves during the pandemic.

Across the globe,we've trained or supported 117,088 community health workersto date.

South Sudan

Teaching families how to properly wash their hands and ensuring they have access to soap and water are two basic, highly effective ways of preventing COVID-19 from spreading.

InSouth Sudan, 91Ƶ is working with Community-Based Distributors and Health promoters to raise awareness of COVID-19 risks and disseminate key messages around hand washing, contact tracing, social distancing and more.

Globally, we haveprovided over 762,000 households with access to safe water and soap for handwashingand continue to reach more every day through our water sanitation and hygiene programs.


Theeconomic downturnand COVID-19 had already had a huge impact on lama's family when theBeirut explosionoccurred inLebanonin August 2020.The house was damaged and Lama, her brother and their parents were all psychologically affected.

Teaching families how to deal with the new stressors they are experiencing because of the pandemic is vital to keep children safe. Through child-friendly messages over radio, TV and social media, we’ve also been sharing resources and guidance on positive parenting.

That is why, in Lebanon and around the world, we’veprovided 626,000 children and caregivers with mental health and psychosocial support.


InSyria, school closures as a result of COVID-19 outbreaks throughout refugee camps forced students like 12-year old Ameen* to drop out in order to work to support his family. A month after dropping out, however, Ameen was able to get a mobile phone and enroll in adistance learningprogram supported by 91Ƶ. He now works during the day and studies in the evenings.

Globally, we havesupported distance learning for 2.9 million childrenandhelped 53 governments to adapt school curriculato address challenges brought on by the pandemic.


In ruralAmerica’s poorest communities, where 91Ƶ is often the only child-focused nonprofit, we’redelivering nourishing meals to childrenwho can no longer rely on school for food, as well as funding food pantries and food delivery services.

So far, we’vehelped prepare and deliver 18.4 million nourishing meals to childrenin rural communities.


To keepchildren learning over the summer, we distributed additional supplies and organized a reading challenge with local libraries and schools. In total,49,500 kids received learning materialsthrough our summer programs.

InMexico, 91Ƶ ran "What is Coronavirus" workshops for children like 8-year old Erendira. Staff demonstrated hand-washing techniques and provided hygiene kits for children to ensure they knew how to keep themselves safe during the pandemic.

Through our efforts, we'vesupported COVID-19 risk and safety communication programs in 64 countriesaround the world.

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